It is always a trend to wear a clean, nice soft and glowing skin. However, achieving this can sometimes be hard. Beautiful skin requires commitment and not a miracle.
What many people are not aware of the fact that they can take care of their skin using totally natural ingredients. Moreover, it is often the case of commercial skin products to be filled with toxins and chemicals and have the opposite effect on our skin.
The law does not require cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, to have FDA approval before they go on the market, but there are laws and regulations that apply to cosmetics on the market in interstate commerce. Therefore, we recommend you to choose a natural solution for any skin problem.
The following natural skin care recipes are based on the amazing properties of lemons, and if practiced on a daily basis, everyone will notice the improvements soon!

Pure Lemon Juice
1. Squeeze some lemon, and pour the juice into a bowl
2. Soak a cotton ball in it, and apply it on the skin
3. Leave it for a few minutes to dry, and then rinse
4. Repeat this method 2 times a day for best results
Lemon and Egg White Mask
1. Mix one egg white and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
2. Separate the mixture into three parts
3. apply the first one on the face, leave it to dry, and apply the other one.
4. Leave the second layer to dry, and finally, apply the last part of the mask.
5. Wash it off with lukewarm water, and pat it dry with a towel
This method is very effective against acne and it makes the skin soft and smooth.
Lemon Scrub
Scrub the face with a slice of lemon for a couple of minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Posted: 30 Mar 2018 08:09 PM PDT

The very common thing about celebrities’ faces is that you can hardly find a single spot on their faces. Of course, they get these unwanted spots every now and then but they seem to get rid of them really fast. Some spots that stay on the faces of normal people for weeks, would only last a few days on celebrities expensive faces.
But you don’t need a celebrity’s wealth to get rid of your facial flaws. In fact, you don’t also need expensive medicine, which may hurt your face even more, in the long run. All you need is LEMON – and the right information on how to use this luscious fruit.


#1: Slice of a Lemon

Cut a piece of lemon into averages sizes and use them to be scrub on your face in a smooth and careful way. Constantly do the scrubbing for a couple of minutes and wash it off with warm water.
After doing so, apply the face pack for about 15 minutes and combine some amount of rice flour, honey, and lemon juice. It is optional for you if want to add some water. Put it on your entire face and wash it off again after several minutes.

#2: Pure Lemon Juice

Put some lemon juice in a small bowl and douse a cotton ball in it and squeeze out the extra liquid from it. Apply the lemon juice to the affected area that has acne.
Leave it for a couple of minutes or until the lemon juice dries out completely. Rinse the affected area with water and dry it with the help of a clean towel. Repeat this treatment for at least twice a day.

#3: Lemon and Egg White Mask

Take a piece of egg and separate its white. Combine two tablespoon of lemon juice in it and whisk it completely. Divide the mixture into three parts. Apply the first layer of the mixture to the skin and leave for some time and then apply the second layer.
After a couple of minutes, apply the third layer to the acne. After doing so, clean the area with warm water and pat the skin with a towel to dry.

Most women lose self-esteem when it comes to skin because unpleasant problems like cellulite and stretch marks destroy her beauty and integrity.
Stretch marks are not only a problem for pregnant women. More than 90% of women in the world have felt on their skin how to deal with this problem and everyone agrees that the fight against stretch marks is difficult.
The skin is elastic. If you try to pinch it or pull it up and then release it, it will return unchanged in its original state. Unfortunately, this does not happen when it is significantly stretched.
Stretch marks appear under the influence of different circumstances and their appearance may be due to physical stretching of the skin (bodybuilding, pregnancy, obesity, rapid growth and development in puberty) and hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, puberty). However, there are women who do not belong to these groups but are again affected by stretch marks.

During the stretching of the skin, the collagen elastic fibers on their middle layer are elongated and torn, i.e. dermis, and thus losing elasticity. As a result stretch marks of varying size occur. Stretch marks are scarring with the appearance of wavy lines. When they appear they are red or pink, but over time they get white or silver. In some women, stretch marks are white or silver after the very appearance. Most commonly appear on the stomach, lower back, chest, forearm, buttocks and thighs.
The genes and skin type play an important role in the appearance of stretch marks. Women who have dry skin are more affected by this unpleasant problem.
Elimination of stretch marks is a difficult task, which takes much time, but also patience. There are many ways in which this problem can be solved, such as abrasion or using laser technology, but they cost a lot of money and can not be allowed to anyone.
Still, you do not have to despair, in the sequel, look at the video, which shows the treatments against stretch marks. But remember, you should apply them regularly and be persistent.
The only thing to look out for is that you are not allergic to aspirin. Therefore, consult your doctor before using any medicines, and do not use aspirin externally if you are allergic to taking it internally.

Acne, cracked, dry or oily areas, visible wrinkles – this is part of the problems that you have surely experienced on your own. Start solving them today, and help your skin. Skin is an indication of your health, a mirror of your way of life, and a sincere critic of your lifestyle.
Lack of sleep, insufficient fluid intake, slow toxin-loaded toxin loaded with liver, disturbing hormonal balance – all this is clearly seen on your skin. That’s why, start to solve these problems today, and help on your skin. Clean it, rejuvenate it, give it a new strength and a quality base for recovery and care, with the help of a 

We also have Supplement you could take 
Restore life

food that will be a friend of your skin forever.
Many dream of having impeccable skin like Korean beauties and if you ever go there you will not find any one with bad skin, yet their beauty industry is constantly seeking new methods and treatments that will provide impeccable skin and effective skin treatments.
The health of their skin has been their obsession for centuries, and their multiple beauty treatments have been kept secret for a long time, yet we managed to get the recipe of one of these marvelous skin care products that will help slow aging and get healthy and shiny skin.
What you first need to do is evaporate your face, open the pores and eliminate the dirt and residues accumulated in them, and then also remove the dirty and blackheads that will eventually cause pimples.
Evaporation will increase blood circulation in the veins and provide a pink color of the cheeks and younger skin appearance.
That one ingredient involved in this treatment is – a ripe pineapple.
This delicious fruit will clean your skin, rejuvenate it and give it a healthy glow, and vitamin C will provide natural protection to inflammatory processes.
Pineapple deepens the skin and is responsible for quality hydration. It will reduce redness, irritation to the skin and provide it with softness.
Also, fresh pineapple contains: enzymes, vitamins and minerals, namely: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, provitamin A, vitamins E, C, vitamins from group B (biotin), fiber…
The pineapple contains a high amount of antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent their cell damage and antioxidants prevent many diseases like heart disease and atherosclerosis, as well as many types of cancer.
So this healthy fruit has powerful anti-aging properties, increases the synthesis of collagen and makes the skin flexible and firm. And the content of high amino acid and vitamin C is very beneficial to the skin, and treats acne and pimples.

Here’s how you need to use pineapple and get the best anti-aging skin care agent:
Cut a ripe pineapple into medium size cubes. Then rub a cube through the face in a circular motion, the pineapple juice will enter the open pores and leave it to act for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse the face with warm water or use a warm, wet towel to clean it. Repeat this treatment once or twice a month.
For more on detailed instructions, see the video below:

Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:57 PM PDT

There are millions of skin pores on our skin and they are not visible with naked eye. However, sometimes due to certain factors, they become enlarged and noticeable on the skin and they truly look bad. Enlarged pores are not permanent and you can solve this problem easily with a natural remedy.
In today’s article, we present to you a simple 3 step method that not only will improve the quality of your skin but, it will also vanish those open pores that you always wanted to disappear.

Step 1: Apple Cider Vinegar Skin Toner

• 2 cups of water
• 5 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar
How to Use:
• Place the mixture in a spray bottle
• Then, rinse your face with water and soap.
• Spray the mixture all over your face and leave it for some time to dry.
• Finally, you can apply a moisturizer with organic coconut oil.
Why is so effective:
The ACV maintains the pH level of the skin and can successful remove any skin infections. Most importantly it can effectively close skin pores.

Step 2: Egg White Mask

• 2 tablespoons oatmeal
• 1 egg white
• 2 tablespoons organic lemon juice, freshly squeezed
How to Use:
• Mix the ingredients until you get a paste form of a mixture.
• Apply the paste on your face for 30 minutes.
• After that, simply wash your face with lukewarm water.
Why is so effective:
It might seem strange, but egg whites are amazing skin product because it contains two ingredients that are essential for the skin. These two minerals are protein and collagen.
We recommend this method for people who have skin inflammation, fine lines or wrinkles. The proteins contained in the egg white will repair and maintain the skin elasticity.

Step 3: Aloe Vera Gel Overnight Moisturizer

• Organic aloe vera gel
Why is so effective:
Recent studies have confirmed that Aloe Vera gel slows down the aging process. In one study which 30 women participated and all of them over the age of 45 provided a clear evidence. The aloe vera improved their skin elasticity and significantly increased the production of collagen in only 90 days time.
Moreover, the Aloe Vera Gel also removes any dirt from being trapped in the clogged skin pores.

We all want to have beautiful and clean skin, but unfortunately, many girls and women face big problems in achieving the desired look.
Unclean skin with acne and mysteries characteristic of teenage years is a problem that many have to deal with and many years later complain that their face is like a teenager in puberty and have long been grown.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to struggle in many fields, from determining the causes of unclean skin and proper treatment if necessary, proper nutrition, hygiene, and of course choice of the right means of skin care.

Avoid strong chemicals that can still exacerbate the condition of the skin and try to solve the problem with natural means that are proven to work.
But favorite skin care products can be packed with toxic ingredients, also whit artificial colors, harsh chemicals and more, so the average beauty product has dozens of raw chemicals, and also some of them have not been tested for safety in humans.
But as we have said, fortunately, there are natural alternatives to every skin care product and the good news is that most work more efficiently compared to the chemically loaded alternative, and in addition, the domestic skin care product shown below can help restore on your skin cleansing the pores on your face and helps to cleanse the skin and has strong antibacterial properties.
This effective facial mask against acne and pimples and a mask for narrowing the pores that you can make at home on your own, and which gives excellent results contains only 2 powerful ingredients, baking soda, and coconut oil.
Baking soda due to antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties is a great skincare product, and it can also help fight many skin conditions, oral problems, colds and more and also baking soda helps in fighting acne and pimples, relieving sunbathing, improving tanning, and lightning yellow teeth.
While coconut oil can make your skin soft and smooth, it actually acts as a great face lotion. Coconut oil soothes dry skin and serves as fantastic alternative thanks to its antimicrobial properties and is used as cheekbone highlighted in many makeup products, and also acts as an excellent shaving cream.

Homemade Skin Care Product Recipe

2 teaspoons of extra virgin, organic coconut oil
1 teaspoon of aluminum-free baking soda
First mix the ingredients in a dish until they become a paste, then apply it to the skin and slowly massage it with circular movements and leave it to act for about 5 minutes. At the end, wash it with warm water and massage once again during the wash.
Even you will not need to use any moisturizing cream because coconut oil goes deep into your skin, as well as hydrates it.
The results will be amazing, you will notice that after washing your face with this natural skin care product, you will not have acne and pimples.
Source: Daily 

Why is it so important that cholesterol is at the normal levels and how to maintain it within the health limits? Cholesterol is a vital, fat-like substance that is contained in each cell of our body, as well as in our blood. Most of the cholesterol is produced by the liver, and the rest is procured through food.
Cholesterol has extremely important reasons for our body and functions: it participates in the construction of cell membranes and in the formation of sexes and adrenal hormones; without cholesterol, the body can not synthesize vitamin D, which is indispensable to healthy bones, nor produces bile acid, without which fat in the body cannot be processed properly.

When an excess of cholesterol accumulates in the body, it can not be broken down and this hides the risks to our health. The main danger is the onset of atherosclerosis, which in turn is the cause of most cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack for example. The causes of increased levels of cholesterol in the blood are different: hereditary predisposition, chronic liver disease and thyroid gland, diabetes.
A sure way to maintain a normal cholesterol level is regular testing. Specialists recommend except for total, to monitor still poor (LDL) and good (HDL) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides. It is known that 20 years is the age in which the first examination for determining the values of cholesterol should be done. Revealed in time, increased cholesterol can be overcome and can not lead to serious health problems later.
However, there are certain things that can show that you have high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Keep in mind that some of these signs and symptoms can also be associated with all kinds of health problems, and therefore only if your blood is examined in a laboratory, you can confirm whether the cholesterol level is high or not.

1. Yellow Growths on Your Eyelids

Did you know that yellowish eyelid can be a sign of high cholesterol? Take a good look at the eyelids, if you notice yellow spots, make a doctor’s appointment, check your cholesterol levels and your heart’s health. Also, do you notice painless yellow growths of the upper and lower eyelids? This phenomenon is called “xanthelasma” and it is a clear indication that you have high blood cholesterol levels.

2. Gray-Colored Ring Around Your Cornea

Often this is a sign of aging, so it should not be a cause for worry. But if you are far from retired, the gray circle around the iris may indicate high cholesterol and blood fat, which very often means a risk of heart attack or stroke. This gray colored ring or lacquer is actually composed of cholesterol that collects in the deeper parts of your cornea.

3. Tingling Sensation in the Hands and Feet

The tingling sensation of the hands and feet may indicate a problem in your body. This should be taken seriously because these symptoms can be caused by serious health problems. If the blood vessels are blocked by cholesterol, it is likely that you will feel tingling in your hands and feet,
because your peripheral nerves (nerves in the limbs) do not get enough blood oxygen and nutrients for their proper functioning.

4. Pain in the Neck and Back of the Head

Because cholesterol levels that are too high can cause some of your blood vessels to block, it’s very possible that your circulation is obstructed. Such can leave your neck sensitive and deteriorate from time to time. The shoulder can also be felt in the same way. Medical practitioners say that high blood cholesterol levels can also make you have a headache, especially in the back of your head.

5. Rapid or Pounding Beating of the Heart

When a person says that she has heart palpitations, she thinks of the inner feeling that her heart beats something different from the usual one. Or, it simply has the awareness of the heartbeat. Most of the time, heart palpitations are harmless and they are often experienced after exercise or engaging in the intense physical activity. Sometimes they are due to anxiety, stress, and the intake of certain drugs. Palpitations may also indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, but and high cholesterol levels are one of them. Clogging the blood vessels due to cholesterol can lead to an accelerated operation of your heart.

6. Unhealthy Diet and Lifestyle

If you eat plenty of fatty foods and avoid fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber if you are a smoker and if you drink alcohol in excessive amounts, if you are overweight and do not exercise regularly, then there is a great chance that your cholesterol level is already high. But sometimes high cholesterol depends on our genes. About 1 in 500 people have a specific genetic mutation that leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in their blood. These people suffer from high cholesterol regardless of their lifestyle.

If you really care about your health, the following remedy is something you should always have within arm’s reach. It is one of the best natural remedies, which can do wonders for your health.
The garlic portion of this drink improves the function of the organs, purifies the blood, and boosts the immune system together with the blood vessels and the heart. Moreover, it is a great natural remedy for speeding up the metabolism and promoting weight loss. It will cleanse your body and remove any harmful deposits.


12 peeled cloves of garlic
½ liter of red wine
Cut the garlic cloves into pieces and put them in a jar. Next, pour the wine over them. Close the jar and place it in a sunny place for 2 weeks. Make sure you shake the jar every day. After 14 days, strain it and store the liquid in a glass bottle. You should consume 1 tablespoon of this drink 3 times a day for 1 month, then make a 6-month break.


This drink contains anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anticancer, and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it is extremely powerful and beneficial. It provides the following benefits:
1. Treats inflammatory diseases.
2. Reduces cholesterol levels.
3. Eliminates toxins from the body.
4. Cleans the blood.
5. Eliminates the salt excess from the body.
6. Improves the metabolism.
7. Burns fats.
8. Keeps the health of the blood vessels and the heart.
9. Boosts energy.
10. Increases stamina.
The red wine is a natural source of resveratrol, which contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Hence, it can prevent the formation of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and heart failure. Moreover, this substance inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells and kills them while leaving the healthy cells intact.
On the other hand, garlic improves the heart and the brain health. It stimulates the memory function and protects the brain against toxicity. Additionally, it protects the body cells, prevents viral and bacterial infections, reduces bad cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Last but not least, it promotes weight loss.

Today, we have an incredible remedy for you that will strengthen your immune system and cure many diseases. It is particularly beneficial for reducing high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Just use this remedy for 7 days and you will experience amazing results.

The best part is that is very easy and simple to prepare. Just follow the instructions below!

Needed Ingredients:
– Grated ginger (1 piece)
– 1 clove garlic (grated)
– 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
– 1 teaspoon honey
– 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Blend all the ingredients for 30 seconds at high speed. Strain the mixture and refrigerate for 5 days.
Do Not Spend Money on Medication for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol, Try This Old Recipe.
How to use:
Consume 1 tablespoon in the morning before breakfast and 1 in the evening before dinner. This remedy will reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure, improve your energy levels and make you fresh.
Watch the video:

Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:40 PM PDT

You will probably agree that the sight of yellow teeth is one of the most unpleasant. It simply doesn’t look good and many people undergo teeth whitening treatments in order to get a perfect smile.
Your first thought when you see that your teeth are not looking as well as you want them to is to go to a dentist and fix your problem. But if you want to try out a cheaper alternative or you simply don’t have the time, here is our suggestion that can be considered as the best solution.

You Will Need:
• Antiseptic mouthwash
• Baking soda
• Salt
• Water
• Cup
• Dental pic
• Toothbrush
• Hydrogen peroxide
Baking soda is the most used and beneficial and ingredients when it comes to removing plaque.
Four Steps To Do This Procedure at Home
1. Mix ½ tbsp.of salt and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. You should use warm water in so you could make the toothbrush wet. Dip the toothbrush into the mixture and scrub your teeth for 5 minutes. Finally, simply spit.
2. Mix one full cup of hydrogen peroxide with half a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the mixture for 1 minute then spit. Wash off with cold water only.
3. Rub the yellow tartar with a dental pick. Be careful not to scratch the gums because it can cause damage and irritation.
4. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Repeat this procedure every other day.
Additional Advice for Better Smile
• Floss your teeth every day.
• Every night, before you go to sleep, rub your teeth with orange peel. The orange peel helps fight bacteria, so make sure not to wash it off.
• Always use a soft toothbrush and brush your teeth with vertical movements. Be careful with the space between your teeth and gums.
• Spicy food stimulates the salivary glands. So, by eating spicy food you can effectively clean the saliva out of your mouth.
Foods for Better and Improved Smile
• Cheese
The Swiss cheese and cheddar neutralize the acids which are responsible for the plaque. We suggest for you to eat the cheese before meals. The aged cheese contains an ingredient that can work as a barrier agent.
• Strawberries and Tomatoes
Strawberries and tomatoes are quite useful for your oral health due to their rich content of vitamin C. Put them in your mouth and let them stay for 5 minutes. This will soften the gathered tartar.
Then, you should wash off your mouth with baking soda and warm water. Other foods which have an abundance of vitamin C include papaya, orange, lemons, berries, bell peppers, and lime.

Dental fillings may soon be in history thanks to a discovery of a drug called “tideglusib”, so developed and tested to treat Alzheimer’s disease, the drug also acts on the natural mechanism for re-growth in the teeth, allowing the tooth to fix the cavities. The drug works by stimulating the stem cells in the toothpaste, the source of the new dentin.

Dentin is a mineralized substance that is eaten away when the tooth decomposes.

Teeth can naturally regenerate dentine without assistance, but only under certain circumstances. The pulp must be exposed to infection or trauma to accelerate dentine production. Even then, the tooth can recover only in very thin layers in a natural way, but insufficient to repair caries caused by decay, which is usually deep. This drug changes this outcome because it excludes the enzyme “GSK-3”, which stops the formation of dentine.
In the study, the team of dentists inserted small degradable sponges, made from collagen and immersed in the “tideglusib”, applied to caries. Sponges boosted dentine growth and in 6 weeks, the damage was corrected. The structure of the collagen immediately melted, leaving only the untouched tooth. But for now the procedure was only applied to mouse teeth, but since the drug was used for Alzheimer’s trials, a new opportunity for introducing this dental treatment into clinical trials is opening up.

So the procedure is only used in mice and there is much more research to confirm whether results can replicate in humans, but researchers have used Tideglusib for damaged teeth in mice to see how they promote stem cell activation, so the team plans further to move to rats, and if these results are positive, human trials could be next on the list.
The drug was deposited in the cavity using a biodegradable collagen sponge soaked in the Tideglusib molecules, and then everything was sealed in, and within weeks, the team saw that the collagen sponge had degraded. The teeth regenerated enough dentine to fill the gap, but the process itself very similar to the normal filling of the cavity, but instead of inserting an artificial charge, physicians encourage the growth of the natural dentine. Therefore, this leads to healthier teeth in the long run, and the good news is that Tideglusib and the collagen sponges used in the post the clinic has undergone clinical trials for other treatments, which are likely to speed up the process if this technique has made it for human testing.
Professor Paul Sharpe from King’s College London, who is also the lead author said:
“The simplicity of our approach makes it ideal as a clinical dental product for the natural treatment of large cavities, by providing both pulp protection and restoring dentine, but in addition, using a drug that has already been tested in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease provides a real opportunity to get this dental treatment quickly into clinics.”
In an interview with The Guardian he said:
“The tooth is not just a lump of mineral, it’s got its own physiology, so you’re replacing a living tissue with an inert cement, so fillings work fine, but if the tooth can repair itself, surely that’s the best way and you’re restoring all the vitality of the tooth.”
Biologist for Oral Cells Ben Scheven of the University of Birmingham, UK, who is not involved in the study, said in an interview with The Guardian: “Dentistry is not just about filling and drilling, but also for keeping teeth healthy. Especially because it is affordable and inexpensive treatment, I can imagine that this is used in the clinic.”
Probably there is a long way to go until this is available to all of us in our dental office, but researchers are determined to make oral care easier and less painful for all of us.
You can read the full study in the Scientific 

5 Surprising Benefits of Custard Apple Leaves

The custard apple fruit which is available for a short season (August to October) is one of the most sought after fruits in India. It is made up of a hard green exterior which is non-edible and the main sweet and fleshy fruit is revealed upon cutting open the exterior. While the custard apple has countless health benefits like being rich in antioxidants and minerals likecalcium and potassium, its leaves are equally nutritious. They are prized for their health benefits especially in Ayurveda.
The leaves are often used for medicinal purposes due to their quick healing capability. They could be applied directly on to the skin or could be used as a combination with other ingredients. Boiling the leaves and consuming them is believed to be quite beneficial. Ayurvedic expert, Dr. BN Sinha suggests the following benefits of custard apple leaves. 

1. Regulates sugar in the body 

Packed with fibers, the leaves are known to slow down the absorption of sugar in our body and thus, they help in keeping the blood sugar levels in check. Since fiber is digested slowly, over a period of time, it does not cause sudden spikes in your blood sugar levels and thus, helps in keeping your digestive tract working well. 2-3 leaves can be boiled in water and then the mixture can be consumed every morning for best results. 

2. Prevents aging of the skin

The leaves are rich in antioxidants that protect your skin from sun damage and delay the aging of cells. A herbal tea made with simmering custard apple leaves in water can be consumed once a day to ensure optimum benefits for the skin.

3. Keeps the heart healthy

Potassium and magnesium, present in high quantities in these leaves, are known to relax the muscles of the heart  and thus, help in preventing the risk of strokes and heart disease. 
healthy heart
Image Credit: IStock

4.Gives the body overall strength and power

Boiling the leaves in half a cup of water and consuming the mixture every morning keeps your metabolism rate and energy levels up through the day. It helps in flushing out the toxins from your body and you feel more energetic and powerful.

5.Heals wounds

The juice of the leaves can be applied to heal wounds as it has anti-inflammatory properties and a soothing effect.
These leaves are a storehouse of benefits. When applied or consumed correctly, they can do wonders to your health. So, don't throw them away
Custard Apple Benefits: From Improving Vision To Building Immunity And More!
India is bestowed with exotic fruits; one of them being custard apple, also known as sitaphal or sharifa in Hindi. Custard apple has a unique taste, essential nutrients and various impressive health benefits. It is a tropical fruit native to Central America and scientifically known as Annona reticulata. Closely related to bullock's heart, or ramphal, this fruit is vaguely heart shaped and is generally green in colour. Custard apple is soft and contains a few black inedible seeds. It is believed that the name 'custard' is given considering the consistency of the fruit. It is a blend of sweet and tangy flavour, almost similar to a citrus fruit. Custard apple is said to possess nutrients that include vitamin-C and vitamin-B6 along with minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron. The fruit contains no fats or cholesterol, but may have some calories to add up. In addition, custard apple has various polyphenolic compounds with antioxidant properties that boost the nutritive value of the exotic fruit 

Here are some of the health benefits of custard apple that will convince you to add this fruit in your daily diet.

1. May Help Improve Vision

Custard apple is said to be an excellent source of riboflavin and vitamin-C that helps combat age-related macular degeneration and other eye-related problems.

(Also Read: 5 Surprising Benefits of Custard Leaves)

eyesight loss
It helps improve your eye vision


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