Anambra teacher calls off marriage with own sister, gives reasons

-Chiadikobi Ezeibekwe had earlier made the news for his bizarre marriage to his own blood sister
- However, he has come out to renounce the incestuous union
- The decision came after the Catholic church in the village set a date to dissolve the union and cleanse the land
The people of Agba village Ekwulobia in Aguata Local Government of Anambra State were thrown into a rude shock when two blood relatives born of the same parents decided to marry each other. Chiadikobi, 25 and his 17-year-old sister both claimed that the received the vision from God.
However, he has come out to renounce the union. Speaking with Sunday Sun at the Community Secondary School Isuofia in the local government declared that the marriage was no more and was not being talked about again as it stands dissolved.
This is coming after Ekwulobia community and the Parish Priest of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ekwulobia, Rev. Fr. Igunatus Onwuatuegwu have fixed March 24, for the formal dissolution of the marriage and cleansing of the land according to the church tradition.
The unlawful union had cause an uproar in the village as the Chiadi, as he is popularly called, stood by his guns believing that marrying his sister was God's intention.
“We didn’t just jump into this marriage thing because we can do it, God showed it to me and not only me, it was shown to other people in this family. God asked me to marry my sister yes, and I didn’t propose to my sister. Sometimes you may have vision, you just keep it, and in the process she got the same vision and spoke out because if she had not had the vision, I would not have been able to speak about it.
I have tried to feel ashamed, guilty or sober since this thing happened, but no way. I feel fine and at home. I have asked God to make me feel bad and guilty if I have done evil, but I am not feeling any of such,” he had earlier said.
He however spoke a different tune as uit appears the pressure of the community had overpowered his need to 'fulfill God's instruction'. The church where they were wedded was said to have been burned down by the youths in the village.
Chiadikobi who is a Parents Teachers Association (PTA) engaged teacher had this to say recently:
“The marriage is dissolved; we are not talking about it again. We are not talking about that marriage again, let’s see what the future holds, even the Bible said we should not worry for tomorrow as tomorrow would take care of itself, so I am not bothering my heart about it.
We just proposed to marry, we have not gone far into it, no dowry, no ceremony. We just said we have accepted this thing, let’s do it, before the thing spread and the whole noise started,” he said with regret."


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