Excuse on their back

Take responsibility for where you are in life, and accept the challenge required to get where you want to be.💥

Successful people don’t make excuses or blame others, they just focus on what they CAN DO.

As Florence Nightingale once said:
“I attribute my success to this: I never GAVE nor took any excuse.”

Those who succeed in this world aren’t those who have escaped hardship.
EVERY ONE of us carries our own baggage through life.
Some let go of it, and push forward without the weight of EXCUSES on their back.🧗
Holding on to that weight of excuses is only ever going to slow you down, and hold you back from reaching your true potential.👌

Let it go!!🚶

Accept where you are and decide where you’re going to be.

It's up to you to be successful.
Take charge!💯

- principles of success

See you @ d top👆

#Boss O


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