What is a salary?
"WHAT IS A SALARY?" AUTHOR: MR. ERIC WIREKO (EDUCATIONIST, TEACHER) - A salary is a bribe for one to forget their ambition. Research has it that the poorest group of people in the world are the salary earner's group, which is practically next to beggars' group. They live in a vicious cycle of poverty, managed on a 30-day duration while their freedom and opinions totally gone. For them, salary is continuously being awaited every month, and any slight delay brings heartbreaking anxiety, pressure and disappointment.... That is the reasons many steal to survive. Salary is a short-term solution to a life time problem. Salary alone cannot solve your money problems. You need multiple sources of income to balance. The tax return form contains about 11 income streams, of which salary is just one. Don't live life fishing with just one hook; there are many fishes in the ocean. Salary is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, not for CURING it. Only your BUSINE...